She Calls Me Brennie


Two friends from different generations and sexual orientations redefine how we look at aging and appropriate behavior. Driving sober but drinking frequently, they reveal, well, not all that much, on dying, our purpose in life, the afterlife, love, road rage, and how to have fun. This is a road trip through the Cotswolds, England. Excluding stock footage, this film was 99% self-shot by BRENNIE, on a mini Sony HD, an Iphone 6, and an old go-pro.

Behind the scenes

Brennie also downloaded all the footage, backed it up on 2 drives, arranged the next B&B, plotted the journey, charged batteries and poured the drinks. I lie. Carol poured the drinks.

Fun Fact

Out of eleven festivals submitted to, not ONE accepted our labor of love. Carol calls this her funeral film.

“Brennie, you have to promise to make them sit through it.”